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The Saga of Amniotic Tissue Intraarticular Injections is Coming to an End

As you recall, ASIPP sent a news alert on October 29, 2020 focusing on Q codes and potentially fraudulent billing with intraarticular injections. ASIPP also sent a letter to Medicare MAC directors on November 3, 2020.

After the time of this alter, there have been incidences of fraud and abuse. Recently, a physician assistant went to trial in Fort Worth, TX and was convicted at this trial. Dr. Manchikanti provided the testimony for the Department of Justice highlighting the news alert from ASIPP.

The trial lasted 5 days. Subsequently, in less than 1 hour of deliberation, a jury convicted Ray Anthony Shoulders on all counts.

It is important to ASIPP and crucial to protect our physicians from fraud and abuse investigations, and at the same time, protect the Medicare program.

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