ASIPP Podcast January 2020

Listen to the latest ASIPP podcast with Dr. Andrea Trescot.
Enter the Grand Dame of pain in our universe. Andrea Trescot, MD. She is fast becoming a Titan in our field. Dr. Trescot has begun her ascent, and there’s no stopping her. Andrea and I have been friends for years, and her potential was recognized as unlimited years ago. When you get a chance to talk to her(she’s eminently approachable) have her talk to you about the time she worked at Walter Reed when Reagan came in after he was shot. She was one of the docs that took care of him. Sooooo, how about now. Take it fast forward to the pain management world and her renowned position in the World Institute of Pain and Pain School International, which she founded. Dr. Trescot travels the world educating physicians to fill the void where pain care is early in development, undoubtedly impacting thousands of patients. She comes home, and speaks at the ASIPP® Annual Meeting, where this was recorded. It has been my honor and privilege to be her friend, and I will consider her a mentor forever. She had this little project, we’ll call it a hobby, that resulted in 900 pages of peripheral nerve knowledge put to words – “friends don’t let friends write books”. This work will be referenced for the next century.
In this podcast the versatile Dr. Trescot takes on the subject of controlled substance management. The opioid crisis as it really is. You think, “Will this ever end? Are we it? Did we do it?” This is a perspective you need to hear. Think about it, we are doing the best we can for our patients with what we have, and the tools laid before us. Her lecture today is a fantastic explanation of how the “world according to me if you choose to ignore the facts” doesn’t exist. She lays it out. It’s very clear, and I believe that her understanding and intellectual expansiveness has taken us to a more comfortable position with controlled substances. Sound interesting? Take a listen.
Oh, and by the way, some of the sound may be horrible on my end, this is another podcast in the car.