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New ASIPP Pod with Dr. Kevin Pho

New ASIPP Pod with Dr. Kevin Pho

Today’s podcast is interesting as well as informative, with a very special guest. Dr Kevin Pho, a physician whom you may recognize as, is sounding off about the “New Norm”. With the Covid-19 pandemic impact, and our current practice struggles, Dr. Pho reveals terrific insight and ideas on the idiosyncrasies of our current practice challenges. We discuss forward thoughts to our new professional world, and the rapidly changing way we approach our patients. Unfortunately, ASIPP rescheduled Dr. Pho as our keynote speaker at the canceled April  annual meeting, however, we look forward to seeing him at our annual meeting in September.

Dr. Pho is a physician entrepreneur, a social media expert, and has millions of page views monthly at Healthcare workers, and providers from all specialties, contribute value to his site, and ultimately to you, the reader. Remarkably, Dr. Pho not only has time to review blogger submissions, which are in the hundreds, but continues to practice internal medicine in New Hampshire. I hope you enjoy this podcast as much as I learned from our discussion. Come say hi to Dr. Pho at the annual meeting. He is approachable, and a terrific mentor for those that want to better understand social media, and the broad perspective of our new world. We’ll see you September in Dallas, and above all, stay safe.

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