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California Society of Interventional Pain Physicians

Board President:

Shalini Shah, MD


Vanila Singh, MD, MACM

Vice President: 

Lee Snook, MD

Immediate Past President, Treasurer:

Ripu Arora, MD

Past President

Lynn Cintron, MD


Linda Rever, MD

February 2022

Directors at Large 

Joseph A. Cabaret, MD
Interventional Pain Specialist
601 E. Daily Drive, #228
Camarillo, CA 93010
[email protected]
Tel: (805) 914-0637
Phone: (805) 693-4327

Ruben Kalra, M.D. 
2250 Morello Ave
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

Annu Navani, MD

Rosa Navarro, MD

Sheldon Jordan, MD

Eric Grigsby, MD

Director Emeritus:

Standiford Helm, MD
The Helm Center
24902 Moulton Pkwy Suite 200
Laguna Woods, CA 92637
(949) 462-0560


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